Our Ministries

  • Mighty Men of Valor

    Area Director
    Bro. Davy Howard

    The Mighty Men of Valor is the name of the Men’s Ministry at Community Church of Christ. The department is led by an Area Director , Secretary, Treasurer and an Event Coordinator.

  • Women of Destiny

    Area Director
    Minister Diane Robertson

    The Women of Destiny is the name of the Women’s Ministry at Community Church of Christ. The department is led by an Area Director, Secretary, Treasurer and an Event Coordinator.

  • Youth Ministry

    Area Director
    Minister Anthony McCoy

    The Youth Ministry at Community Church of Christ is led by an Area Director, Assistant Youth Director and Secretary.

  • Outreach Ministry

    Outreach Pastor
    Elder Latricia Davis

    The Outreach Ministry at Community Church of Christ is led by an Area Director, Lead Servant and Secretary.

 Mighty Men of Valor


We are committed to the wholistic development of Men and young adults. We aim to achieve the wholistic development through Evangelism, Mentorship, Fellowship, Coaching, Building and Strengthening Relationships with Men eighteen years and older both that are members of Community Church of Christ as well as those that reside in the local area.

Men at Community are called to be leaders and to make a difference in the lives of others through Christ centered relationships (Ps 91:2, 14-16).  We understand that service which begins in the home and extends to the community.  Communication will be one of the key components to achieve these goals/objectives.  We want to see Men get saved.  We are committed to helping them to develop a relationship with God, model biblical masculinity, and get a better understanding of the importance of Male Leadership from a Biblical perspective.  We aim to create Leaders who can effectively operate within and outside of the church.  The men’s department will be the embodiment of Community’s core tenants, where we focus efforts on Faith, Family and Fellowship.

The Men typically will meet on Sun afternoon’s and some Saturdays

*Dates are subject to change

 The Women of Destiny


The Women of Destiny are Women of Prayer, Power and Purpose. Women that are poised with determination and diligence as we pursue the Mandate of God.  (WOD) are Women of integrity that strive daily to be more Christlike.  We are the modern day Mary’s, Rachels, Rebecca’s and Ruth.  We are women that embody the characteristics of a strong leaders, wise mothers, and faithful friends.  We are confident and courageous as we preserve to incline to God’s plan for our lives. Psalms 46:5 says that God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns.  We understand that we are all imperfect, through our resilience and transparency the Women of Destiny stive to  build character of others through encouragement and empathy.  We will continue to walk by Faith, make our Family priority while being our sisters keepers through genuine Fellowship.  The Women of Destiny is a true and authentic sisterhood tailor made and uniquely designed by God.  We’ve adopted the phrase “Giving up is not an option”.

The Women of Destiny have prayer weekly on Monday night (virtually) and in person on some Saturdays.

*Dates are subject to change

A Strong Woman knows she has strength enough for the journey but a Woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong!

 Youth Ministry


We are comprised of Youth and Young adults that are committed to consistency to growing in the knowledge of God.  We strive to perfect our gifts and embody Christ even our age.  We understand that Christ had an impact in his early teens and it is our goal to leave lasting positive impressions with those that we come in contact with. 

We are continuing to strive toward excellence in all aspects of our life.  We  strive to be confident in our walk with God by exhibiting Faith and pushing pass the fear of the unknown which is often associated with adolescents.  We will continue to build our relationship with God through scripture and prayer.  We will continue to build our relationships with our Family and friends by communicating in text and having verbal conversations.  We will have fun in ministry as well as welcoming anyone who wants to build a relationship with our Lord and Savior.

Nobody is perfect and strive to let young people know, “you don’t have to do it on your own”.  We will grow through our monthly meetings, connections and activities.  We encourage our young adults to continue on their Christian journey as they move to the next level in their lives. 

We will build our villages with the involvement of our parents, teachers and loved ones as we Fellowship with one another.

The Youth typically meet on the 1st Fridays of the month

*Dates are subject to change

 Outreach Ministry


The Outreach Ministry is comprised of several ministries that support the local community.  The purpose of this ministry is to reach those outside of the walls of the local assemble.  The ministry is led by an Area Director, Lead Servants, and a Secretary.  All those that serve have a heart that is centered around embodying the love of Christ.  This ministry is comprised of the Missionary Services, Evangelism, Social Action/Awareness, Missions and our Soup Kitchen to name a few.   We are committed to serving, spreading and sharing “The Good News” of the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

Through acts of love and kindness we aim to meet people where they are.  We are committed to serve with the love of God in our hearts by hosting various outreach events held annually throughout our communities.  The events that are hosted provide resources and meet the needs of the people.  These events serve as a bridge into the house of God for the ultimate purpose of creating relationship with our Savior.

We will continue to feed the hungry, give drink to those that are thirsty and invite all to come in.  We will continue to clothe the naked, care for those that are sick and to visit those that are in prison.  (Matthew 25:35-36).  Such as we have been commanded by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

You are invited to come in as we remain prepared to go out and serve.

*Dates are subject to change